On Giving Thanks…

Mitch Schneider
November 27, 2019

On the day before the Thanksgiving Holiday, it’s difficult to think about more than all the things we should be thankful for. All the blessings we have in our lives.

In the hypersonic world of instantaneous and immediate stimulus and response that isn’t as easy as it sounds. Not as easy as it should be.

But whose fault is that?

Your smartphone pings and you jump. You check your social media feeds to see what you’ve missed and miss something important: someone or something, right in front of you who needs you at that moment. You race to complete a project or to start a new one before really taking the time to appreciate what is.

We linger on the past or fret about the future without realizing we’re sacrificing the present.

Better to take a mindful moment and consider where we are and how lucky we are to be there. I know that may be easier for me after the past six years — Especially, after the past eight months and the transplant — than it might be for you. But that doesn’t make it less critical.

You can start with all the important people in your lives. Wives and husbands. Daughters and sons. Children and grandchildren. You can expand out from there to the friends who have become family. To colleagues and acquaintances. It’s the people that enrich our lives. The relationships. They are at the heart of everything worthwhile.

At this time of the year take a deep breath and slow down. Recognize how important to you the people around you are and celebrate your good fortune to have them in your life.

You are all on my list and I’m grateful to have you here. Have a meaningful Thanksgiving filled with love, surrounded by the people you love.

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